2009年から2019年にかけて北海道大学歯学研究科 口腔病理学教室助教、血管生物分子病理学教室特任講師を経て、2019年7月に北海道口腔病理診断所を開院。
Tetsuya Kitamura, DDS, PhD
Specialist oral pathologist/Specialist oral cytopathlogist
Dr. Tetsuya Kitamura graduated from the Hokkaido University School of Dentistry in 2002. While pursuing his doctoral degree through the university's Graduate School of Dentistry, he moved to Washington University in St. Louis, America for studying cancer biology more deeply for three years. He graduated from graduate School of Dental Medicine, Hokkaido University. in 2007.
From 2009 to 2019, he worked as assistant professor in Oral Pathology and Biology depertment at the Hokkaido University Graduate School of Dentistry. After a period as a specially appointed lecturer in vascular biomolecular pathology, he started the Hokkaido Oral Pathology Diagnostic Clinic in July, 2019.